Cheat’s Chicken Casserole

An easy one to do at camp – again, this quantity serves four but can be adapted for larger groups

4 chicken fillets (breast or thigh)
1 large onion
1 large tin of potatoes
1 large tin carrots
1 packet supermarket casserole mix
1 packet supermarket dumpling mix
Water to mix
Cooking oil
Use the Dixie or stock pot you intend to put in the haybox.

Chop onions and fry in hot oil until soft and translucent. Remove from pan and set aside. Chop the chicken fillets and fry lightly in oil until browned – you will need to do this in batches for large groups. Return the onions to the pan. Make up the casserole mix according to the packet instructions – usually just mix with water – and add this to the chicken and onions. Add carrots and bring all to the boil, gently stirring to prevent anything sticking.

Meanwhile, make up the dumplings according to the packet instructions and shape into 4 large or 8 small pieces. Place them gently in the top of the stew and continue to simmer for around half an hour.

Transfer the Dixie to the haybox, carefully packing the straw around it and keeping the lid of the pan tight. Draw up the bag and put the lid on the haybox. Leave for 4-6 hours and don’t be tempted to open it up for a look!

When ready to serve, remove the Dixie from the haybox, being careful not to displace the lid, and return it to the stove or wood fire to bring up to boiling point, stirring all the time.

Serve with green vegetables or with crusty bread and butter.